You can integrate Freshping with any other application that you use via a Webhook integration.
- Start by navigating to Settings > Integration > Webhook
- Click on +Create Integration
In the sidebar that opens:
1. Give your Webhook integration a name
2. Select the type of event that should trigger the webhook
3. Specify the Checks that need to be affected by the event
4. Add a callback URL to trigger the Webhook
If the Webhook integration requires authentication, check the 'Requires basic authentication' box and add the username and password.
- To add a custom Webhook payload, select 'Advanced' and edit the payload below
- Hit save to create the Webhook integration
Please find the webhook payload below for your reference:
{ "text": "Test Check ( is DOWN.", "check_id": "1", "check_name": "Test Check", "check_url": "", "request_timeout": "30", "request_location": "US East (N. Virginia)", "request_datetime": "2021-08-16 20:00:11 +00", "response_status_code": "503", "response_summary": "HTTP ERROR 503", "response_state": "Reporting Error", "response_time": "20" "event_data": { "org_name": "test org", "event_created_on": "2021-08-16 20:00:11.598692+00:00", "event_id": 5001, "org_id": 1, "webhook_type": "AL", "webhook_id": 1 }, }